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Gastric Bands, Obesity

De Maagband, Obesitas & Type 2 Diabetes

Today, Type 2 Diabetes is a growing concern worldwide. Closely associated with obesity, it poses a significant public health challenge but also, of course, has a

Science Behind Gastric Bypass

De Wetenschap Achter Gastric Bypass Chirurgie

Gastric bypass surgery, also called Roux-en-Y surgery, is a life-changing medical procedure rooted in meticulous scientific understanding that helps individuals struggling with weight control and diabetes

Bariatric Surgery Procedure

Gastric Sleeve Vs. Band Chirurgie

Weight control can be a major concern for many of us. Being significantly overweight can lead to health complications including diabetes, heart disease and joint problems.


Vitaminen na een maagverkleining

Did you undergo a Gastric Sleeve or a Gastric Bypass? Do you have a gastric band? Then it is important to be aware of the vitamins