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Hoe frequent eten?

Eating regularly is important for everyone, also after a stomach reduction. Our feeling of hunger is largely determined by our biorhythm. In this blog you will


ECFS Obesity Solutions - digitalisering

ECFS Obesity Solutions is strongly committed to digitalisation. Digitalisation has been a hot topic in recent years. At ECFS Obesity Solutions, we like to jump on


EOS Medical

What is EOS Medical? EOS Medical is THE official app of ECFS Obesity Solutions. EOS refers to ECFS Obesity Solutions. Medical refers to the sector in

Voeding & recepten

Parmezaanse kip tenders

Everyone knows them and has eaten them at some point, chicken tenders! What if you combine chicken tenders with parmesan cheese? Then you get these delicious

Voeding & recepten

Quiche met spinazie en zongedroogde tomaten

Everyone knows them, the traditional quiches. But did you know that you can also make quiche with vegetables other than broccoli? This quiche with spinach and

Voeding & recepten

Granola repen

Finding healthy snacks is not always an easy task. Luckily, we’re here to provide inspiration! Today we are making delicious granola bars. Delicious, healthy and easy

Voeding & recepten

Ovenschotel met ham en spruitjes

It is winter in full swing. So a delicious oven dish can provide the necessary warmth. Today on the menu: oven dish with ham and sprouts.