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Hoe frequent eten?

Eating regularly is important for everyone, also after a stomach reduction. Our feeling of hunger is largely determined by our biorhythm. In this blog you will


ECFS Obesity Solutions - digitalisering

ECFS Obesity Solutions is strongly committed to digitalisation. Digitalisation has been a hot topic in recent years. At ECFS Obesity Solutions, we like to jump on


EOS Medical

What is EOS Medical? EOS Medical is THE official app of ECFS Obesity Solutions. EOS refers to ECFS Obesity Solutions. Medical refers to the sector in


Overgewicht bij kinderen en jongeren

More and more children and young people are confronted with obesity at an early age. This can have various causes. It is not only important to


Bewerkte en onbewerkte voeding

Nowadays, there is a lot of processed food on the go. However, this is not always good for your health. Therefore, we would like to dedicate


Het belang van sport en bewegen

Everyone knows that exercise is important. But how much should we move in order to be healthy? And what exactly do we mean by exercise? Read