Gastric Bypass Surgery at Obesity Solutions

Welcome to Obesity Solutions, where we understand that your journey to better weight management is as unique as you are. Our gastric bypass surgery and procedure options are all designed with you in mind. We provide our patients with tailored weight loss solutions that yield lasting results.  Following a gastric bypass procedure,  you will be able to control your food consumption and embrace a healthier version of yourself.


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    Understanding Your Gastric Bypass: Before & After

    astric bypass surgery is a medical procedure that helps patients with weight loss. Following  the process, the stomach is divided into a smaller upper pouch and a larger lower pouch. The small intestine is then rearranged to restrict food intake and reduce patient calorie absorption. After the bypass procedure, the amount of food the stomach can hold is restricted, leading to feelings of fullness with smaller portions.  Patients, compared to before gastric bypass surgery, typically need to eat less and, as a result, find it easier to control their weight.  


    The Mechanics of Gastric Bypass Surgery For Weight Loss

    Gastric bypass surgery is a complex procedure that alters the anatomy of the digestive system to help patients control their weight. During the surgery, the stomach is divided to restrict the amount of food that can be consumed. Then, the small intestine is rerouted to bypass a portion of the stomach and upper small intestine. This reduces the body’s ability to absorb calories. As a result, patients can experience significant weight loss and often see improvements in obesity-related health conditions. 

    Gastric Bypass Surgery

    The Role of Gastric Bypass Surgery in Sustainable Weight Management

    A gastric bypass surgical procedure reduces the stomach’s capacity to promote portion control and restrict calorie intake. A smaller, divided stomach and reduced ability to absorb calories influences metabolic processes too.

    Patients who have had a gastric bypass operation are better placed to manage hunger thanks to hormonal changes in their bodies too.  If it is suitable for your condition, gastric bypass surgery is likely to lead to sustainable, long-term weight control benefits. 

    Beyond Weight Loss: Gastric Bypass Surgery & Improving Overall Health

    Gastric bypass surgery leads to many improvements in health beyond simple weight control. Aside from weight loss, bypass patients often also experience increased vitality, enhanced cardiovascular health, reduced joint pain and better mobility.

    Lowering excess weight can also result in better sleep quality and daytime alertness. It can also contribute to remarkable improvements in a patient’s mental health from reduced anxiety and low moods to greater self-esteem and confidence.

    Gastric Bypass Surgery & Improving Overall Health

    The Benefits of A Gastric Bypass Procedure

    Gastric bypass surgery offers a range of benefits for individuals struggling with weight control. By restricting the capacity of a patient’s stomach and rerouting the digestive system, they promote better portion size management and reduced calorie intake. This in turn can lead to improved general health and aligned improvements in specific obesity-related conditions such as heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. Unlike other weight loss activities, gastric bypass procedures mark a significant change in the body which can, with the right post-surgery care and attention, lead to lasting improvements.

    Obesity-Related Medical Conditions

    Reduced Risk of Obesity-Related Medical Conditions

    One of the most important benefits of achieving weight loss through a gastric bypass operation is the treatment of serious, life-threatening diseases. Unchecked obesity is often a cause of premature death from heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, liver disease, high cholesterol and more. Other less serious, but debilitating conditions that can be avoided with a gastric bypass procedure include varicose veins, shortness of breath, nerve pain, arthritis, back pain and heartburn. If you are suffering any of these symptoms, we recommend seeking professional medical advice. If weight is affecting your overall health and well-being, perhaps it is time to consider a gastric bypass operation 

    Gastric Bypass Operations, Weight Loss and Metabolic Health

    A gastric bypass procedure does not just reduce the stomach’s capacity and restrict calorie intake. It also alters the anatomy of the digestive system and affects hormones that regulate hunger and satiety, including ghrelin. Ghrelin, produced mainly in the stomach, stimulates appetite and increases food intake. After gastric bypass surgery, ghrelin levels typically decrease significantly. This leads to even greater reductions in feelings of hunger. This hormonal change plays a crucial role in the success of the surgery by helping patients adhere to dietary changes and maintain long-term weight loss. The suppression of ghrelin makes a significant contribution to the overall effectiveness of gastric bypass surgery.

    Gastric Bypass Operations
    Quality of Life

    Enhancing Quality of Life Through Sustainable Changes

    The good news is gastric bypass procedures are only the start of your journey towards healthier living. Losing weight is, understandably, the primary reason to have surgery but our bypasses never work in isolation. Success comes from changing your relationship with food, exercise, body image, confidence and countless other areas in your life. Our aftercare, following your gastric bypass procedure, will help you form new, positive habits that will make any changes permanent. An intervention like a gastric bypass operation has the potential to have a positive impact on every aspect of your future, both immediately and over the years to come. 

    The Gastric Bypass Process

    Gastric bypass, or stomach bypass, operations are considered to be amongst the most effective procedures for individuals genuinely struggling with obesity. A gastric bypass procedure reroutes the food patients ingest through a smaller part of the stomach to avoid feelings of hunger and restrict the absorption of excess calories. With a new smaller area to digest food within, you can retrain your body to want less and, as a result, eat less food than you did before the procedure.  With many years of proven clinical use, gastric bypass operations are now one of the most successful and trusted surgical techniques medicine has for treating obesity.

    Preoperative Evaluation and Candidate Selection

    While gastric bypass surgery is straightforward and low risk, it is still a significant surgical intervention. As such, it is essential for individuals considering this option to consult with qualified healthcare professionals before electing to go ahead. At Obesity Solutions, we are ideally placed to assess patients’ specific circumstances and screen them for suitability. It is all part of our personalised guidance on weight loss strategies.

    Gastric bypass surgical procedures are generally suitable for individuals with a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or higher, or those with a BMI of 35 and above with obesity-related health issues.
    However, BMI is only ever used as a guide. Our careful patient selection process will identify if it is the right choice for you.

    Preoperative Evaluation and Candidate Selection
    Surgical Techniques

    Surgical Techniques: Bypass Surgery For Weight Loss

    Gastric bypass surgery involves altering the digestive system considerably to induce significant weight reduction. The procedure entails creating a small stomach pouch by stapling off a portion of the stomach, connecting this directly to the small intestine and bypassing the larger part of the stomach and a segment of the small intestine. These changes limit food intake and reduce calorie absorption. As a surgical technique gastric bypass procedures can promote rapid weight loss and they often lead to improvements in obesity-related health conditions. Gastric bypass complications can, however, include blood clots, gallstones, heartburn and nausea. It is important to work with the right medical care before, during and after a bypass procedure to stay healthy and avoid common side effects.

    Safety and Gastric Bypass Recovery

    Having gastric bypass surgery at Obesity Solutions offers enhanced safety and quicker recovery for weight loss and weight control patients. Our approach minimises risks of infection, bleeding and scarring. Our post-operative care reduces post-operative pain and you can stay in our hospital bed as long as you need to. Patients typically resume normal activities sooner, with fewer complications working with our team. Close follow-up is necessary for all bypass surgery patients. We are not in the business of solely monitoring weight loss progress either. We look after every aspect of the patient’s post-bypass life including diet, exercise, mental health and overall well-being. Gastric bypass surgery through Obesity Solutions continues to be a safe and effective option for those seeking sustainable weight loss with minimal downtime.

    Taking the Next Step Towards Gastric Bypass Surgery

    If you want to start your journey towards a healthier, happier life, why not book a consultation with our experts today? We can help you with how much a gastric bypass surgery costs, for example, and give you all the information you need to make an educated decision. If you are still exploring your weight loss surgery options, you can read comments from our customers below.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    bariatric surgery

    The portion of the stomach that is “dormant” continues to produce acids and enzymes of digestion. This is normal and shouldn’t impact your health in a negative way.

    De meeste mensen kunnen overtollige huid tot een minimum beperken door gezonde voeding, lichaamsbeweging en gewichtstraining. Maar als u overtollige huid moet laten verwijderen, kunnen wij u helpen bij het zoeken naar een plastische chirurg.

    Het wordt ten zeerste aanbevolen dat vrouwen ten minste één jaar na de operatie wachten voordat ze zwanger worden. Ongeveer één jaar na de operatie (afhankelijk van hoeveel gewicht u moest verliezen), zal uw lichaam redelijk stabiel zijn en zou u in staat moeten zijn om een gezonde baby te voldragen.

    Nachtkledij, handdoek, zeep, toiletgerief, medicatie (die u thuis ook inneemt).

    In week vier begint u al met oefenen om vaste voeding te eten. Vanaf dan mag u alle gezonde dingen eten zonder deze te malen of pureren. Na drie maanden hebt u het eetpatroon al heel goed herschreven.

    U mag gedurende één maand niet tillen, niet sporten en vooral rustig aan doen!

    Na twee weken (vanaf dag 12 na de ingreep) mogen de hechtingen verwijderd worden. Dit kan door een huisarts of verpleegkundige gebeuren. De steriele pleisters op de hechtingen na de ingreep kunnen blijven zitten voor de eerste twee weken op voorwaarde dat deze niet vervuild zijn of loslaten.


    Book A Consultation

    No-obligation, free consultation with our expert to explore whether surgery is the right option for you.