Gastric Balloon Treatment At Obesity Solutions


Welcome to Obesity Solutions where we understand that your journey to better weight control is as unique as you are. Our advanced gastric balloon procedure has been designed with you in mind. We provide all our patients with tailored solutions that yield lasting results. With a gastric balloon fitted, you can control your food intake without major invasive surgery and embrace a healthier, fitter version of yourself.

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    Understanding Gastric Balloons: Before & After

    After gastric balloon treatment, there is less space in your stomach for food. With a balloon fitted, your stomach is trained to enjoy smaller food portions and, it follows, you are well placed to adopt a healthier relationship with food. Before gastric balloon treatment, individuals often struggle with obesity-related health issues such as diabetes, high blood pressure and sleep apnea. Typically, patients experience significant weight loss, improved health markers, increased energy levels and enhanced self-esteem after having a balloon fitted. Many find it easier to engage in physical activities and enjoy a higher quality of life post-treatment.

    Mechanics of Gastric Balloon

    The Mechanics of Gastric Balloon Treatment

    Having a gastric balloon fitted is a non-surgical weight loss option that involves inserting a deflated balloon into the stomach via endoscopy. Once inside a patient’s stomach, the balloon is filled with saline solution. This causes it to expand to occupy space that creates an ongoing feeling of fullness, reduces food intake and aids in weight loss. Typically, the balloon remains in place for about six months before removal. Combined with a supervised diet and exercise plan, it offers a temporary yet effective solution for individuals struggling with obesity.

    The Role of A Gastric Balloon In Sustainable Weight Management

    A gastric balloon procedure reduces the stomach’s capacity temporarily to restrict calorie intake. A smaller stomach space means patients are better able to manage hunger which is likely to kick-start lasting changes in weight control. As a gastric balloon is a non-surgical treatment it works more quickly than more invasive procedures. There is a smaller chance of complications and infections from surgery too. If it is suitable for your condition, weight loss through having a gastric balloon fitted is likely to be a quicker and more straightforward option compared to more dramatic treatments.

    Sustainable Weight Management

    Beyond Weight Loss: Gastric Balloons & Improving Overall Health

    Gastric balloon treatment provides health improvements beyond just simple weight control. Aside from weight loss, changes in patient lifestyles associated with having a balloon fitted can also enhance cardiovascular health, reduce joint pain, and alleviate sleep apnea symptoms. Better sleep and improved general fitness are also likely to lead to improvements in mental health and well-being such as decreased anxiety and low moods and increased self-esteem and confidence.

    The Benefits of Gastric Balloon Vs Weight Loss Surgery

    Gastric balloons offer several benefits for individuals struggling with obesity and weight control. Firstly, as they are non-surgical interventions they avoid the risks associated with going under the knife. By restricting the capacity of a patient’s stomach, they still, however, promote good food portion size management and weight control.

    This in turn can lead to improved overall health and reduced risk of obesity-related conditions such as Type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Unlike weight loss surgeries, gastric balloons are designed as temporary solutions.

    Balloons are typically removed after six months. This makes them ideal for patients who are looking for additional help in changing their relationship with food and starting new habits. Gastric balloons involve a shorter recovery time and lower risk of complications than surgical procedures. This makes gastric balloon treatment a safer option for some patients.

    Obesity-Related Medical Conditions balloon

    Reduced Risk of Obesity-Related Medical Conditions

    One of the most important benefits of achieving weight loss through a gastric balloon is a reduction in the risk of serious, life-threatening diseases such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, liver disease, certain cancers and more. Gastric balloon treatment also affects shortness of breath, nerve pain, arthritis, back pain, heartburn, leg swelling and varicose veins. If you are suffering any of these symptoms, we recommend seeking professional medical advice. If weight is affecting your overall health and well-being, perhaps it is time to consider a change in your lifestyle. This is exactly the kind of decision supported by the fitting of a gastric balloon.

    Gastric Balloon Procedures, Weight Loss and Metabolic Health

    The gastric balloon procedure temporarily reduces the stomach’s capacity to promote portion control and restrict calorie intake. It also influences metabolic processes and the anatomy of the stomach to manage hunger. Feelings of fullness are achieved because the gastric balloon takes up space. This leads to smaller food portions. Additionally, the balloon can slow down the emptying of food from the stomach into the digestive system prolonging this feeling of satiety. This helps individuals take in fewer calories, aiding in weight loss and appetite control.

    Gastric Balloon Procedures
    Gastric Balloon Quality

    Enhancing Quality of Life Through Sustainable Changes

    The good news is gastric balloon treatment is only the start of your journey towards healthier living. Losing weight is, understandably, the primary reason to have surgery but having a balloon fitted can also act as a catalyst for other changes in your life. Changing your relationship with food starts will soon influence how you feel about exercise, body image, confidence and countless other areas in your life too. Our aftercare, following your balloon treatment will help you form new, positive habits that will make any changes permanent. Interventions like gastric balloon treatment have the potential to change every aspect of your future life both immediately and over the years to come.

    The Gastric Balloon Process

    Gastric balloon procedures are considered to be amongst the safest and most effective treatment options for individuals struggling with weight control. Inserting a gastric balloon is a temporary reversible step towards greater portion control and reduced appetite. It involves placing a silicone balloon in the stomach orally that can be filled with saline. This gastric balloon, once filled, reduces stomach capacity and retrains the body to eat less. This minimally invasive approach, compared to surgical options, has a much lower risk of complications and ensures recovery times are relatively short. The gastric balloon procedure has been performed for many years with a significant track record of safety and effectiveness. It is ideal for patients who are committed to new eating habits, but just need a little medical help to get started.

    Pre-Treatment Evaluation and Candidate Selection

    While gastric balloon treatment, thanks to being non-surgical, is relatively straightforward and low risk, it is still essential for individuals considering this option to consult with qualified healthcare professionals. Before committing to the procedure, you must understand its implications and take appropriate steps for it to be effective. The good news is we are well-placed to assess patients’ specific circumstances, screen them for suitability and provide personalised guidance on weight loss strategies.

    Gastric procedures, such as gastric balloons, are generally suitable for individuals with a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or higher, or those with a BMI of 35 and above with obesity-related health issues. However, BMI is only ever used as a guide. Our careful patient selection process will identify if it is the right choice for you.


    Non-Surgical Techniques: Installing a Gastric Balloon

    Placing a gastric balloon in a patient’s stomach is typically conducted under sedation. A deflated balloon is inserted into the stomach through the mouth using an endoscope. Once positioned correctly, the balloon is filled with a sterile saline solution, expanding to occupy space in the stomach.

    This induces a feeling of fullness, reducing hunger and food intake. The entire process typically takes around 20-30 minutes and can be performed on an outpatient basis. Patients are usually monitored for a few hours post-procedure before being discharged with instructions for follow-up care, exercise guidance and dietary advice.

    Zero Invasive Surgery: Safety and Recovery

    Because there is no weight loss surgery involved, gastric balloon treatment offers enhanced safety and quicker recovery for patients looking to control their weight. Compared to gastric band or sleeve surgery, this approach completely removes the risk of infection, bleeding, and scarring, while also reducing post-operative pain and hospital stays. Patients typically resume normal activities sooner, with fewer complications.

    However, close follow-up is still necessary as the balloon needs monitoring as weight loss progresses. Minimally invasive gastric balloon treatment continues to be a safe and effective option for those seeking sustainable weight loss with minimal downtime.

    Taking the Next Step Towards Gastric Balloon Treatment

    If you want to start your journey towards a healthier, happier life, why not book a consultation with our experts today? We can help you with how much a gastric balloon costs, for example, and give you all the information you need to make an educated decision. If you are still exploring your weight loss surgery options, you can read our frequently asked questions below.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Gastric Band Surgery

    A gastric balloon is a temporary weight-loss device that is inserted into the stomach through a non-surgical procedure. It works by reducing the available space in the stomach, promoting a feeling of fullness and encouraging portion control. This, in turn, helps you consume fewer calories and control your weight.

    The gastric balloon is inserted through the mouth using an endoscope, a long, flexible tube with a camera. The deflated balloon is then filled with a sterile saline solution. While the procedure is generally well-tolerated, some patients may experience mild discomfort. It is performed on an outpatient basis, and patients can usually return home after a short period of observation.

    The duration of gastric balloon treatment varies, but it is typically around six months. After this period, the balloon is deflated and safely removed through a similar endoscopic procedure. The temporary nature of the treatment allows the stomach to return to its normal function after removal. The difference is you’ll have developed healthier habits.

    Gastric balloon treatment will only work if patients adopt healthy lifestyle changes while it is installed. This includes following a balanced diet, practising portion control and engaging in some form of regular physical activity. These modifications play a crucial role in achieving sustained weight loss and overall well-being.

    While gastric balloon treatment is generally safe, there may be temporary side effects during the initial adjustment period such as nausea, vomiting or abdominal cramps. These symptoms typically subside as the body adapts to the presence of the balloon. As with any medical procedure, there are risks involved, and individuals should always discuss these with their healthcare professionals to make informed decisions.

    2-3 stone weight loss over six months is typical but many patients have successfully lost much more. Your results will vary depending on your starting weight and the details of your treatment plan. You should always speak to a medical professional about your goals before choosing any treatment.


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