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Food & recipes

Egg with tomato, bacon and parsley

Not much time to make dinner? Need something nutritious and full of vitamins? Then this egg with tomato, bacon and parsley is the ideal choice. It


Staying motivated after bariatric surgery

Shortly after bariatric surgery, patients lose a lot of weight quickly. This is due to the liquid phase required immediately after bariatric surgery. After a short

Food & recipes

Pasta with salmon and broccoli

The combination of salmon and broccoli offers a deliciously mild taste. Enjoy this pasta with salmon and broccoli! Ingredients400 grams (fresh) salmon400 grams of pasta300 ml

Food & recipes

Spelt rice wafers with chocolate

A delicious and healthy snack. Very light to eat between or after meals. Ingredients:8 spelt rice wafers150 grams dark chocolate1 tablespoon peanut butter Preparation:Crumble the rice

Food & recipes

Delicious frappuccino

With these warm temperatures, some cooling down is certainly welcome. So we share the recipe for a delicious and refreshing frappuccino. Cooling down guaranteed! Ingredients: 2

Food & recipes

Cream soup with green vegetables

Soup is a delicious light meal. It provides the necessary vitamins and is very healthy. That is why we are sharing this tasty cream soup with

Food & recipes

Stuffed Peppers

A new Friday, a new recipe. This week we have for you the recipe of stuffed peppers. This is a slightly heavier meal, but still healthy.

Food & recipes

Cauliflower bread

Here we are again! Another Friday has passed so time for a new recipe. Today on the menu: Cauliflower bread. Delicious as a snack and the